New Fine Dying Episode

New “Fine Dying”! | “Warren”

An unfortunate group of employees and patrons have found themselves trapped inside Brewer Truman’s Fine Dining Establishment thanks to a freak Missouri blizzard. Only problem is . . . they’ve just found the first body, and there’s an ominous sense that more Are soon to fall.

Episode 12 | “Warren”

Since my last post the survivors trapped inside Brewer Truman’s have slowly been dissecting the discovery of two more bodies, and what this means for them all.

After everyone is quick to blame the stranger in the room, Warren isn’t so sure. At the very least, he’s got the conviction not to blame someone for murder just because they are a stranger.

But will mob mentality win out?

Not sure if this story’s for you? Check out this simple little short ->>>>

But don’t just take my word for it, see what other people are saying . . . .

I hope you’re all enjoying this story as much as I do, and just be careful when attending episodes of Fine Dying, the house special is murder 😈

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Fine Dying is produced with the help of Literature & Latte’s Scrivener & Scapple Platforms

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